Sunday, January 31, 2010

Western Tanager, 5x7

I'm really getting into this bird thing. I just love the colors in this little guy. This is his breeding plumage, which precludes his hiding his intentions from the little girly-birds. I used to have a cockatiel, Ariel, who was quite chatty. He would waddle around proclaiming, "Ariel is such a pretty bird." He referred to himself in the third person, like that guy Jimmy on Seinfeld. Ariel would hide in the pantry and dive-bomb Hap when he came in the kitchen. We finally realized we were giving him too many vitamins, creating a sort of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide-in-the-Pantry personality.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, 5x7

This is Birdie No. 2 in my series within the Sinistra series. I am fulfilling my 2010 goal of painting a series. Then another, and another. The Sinistra series was not a choice; that little opportunity for greatness was thrust upon me. I can now touch my index finger to my thumb on my right hand, and that is progress. It has no strength, but it gets better all the time. We should all take time to thank God for his great invention, the Opposable Thumb.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Baltimore Oriole, 5x7

I'm doing birds for my Sinistra series now, sort of a series within a series. I wish there were more painting hours in my day. Seems like I'm always at appointments--hand therapy, dentist, doctor, eye doctor--I want to stay in my studio! I did enjoy my daughter Stef taking me to some beautifying appointments yesterday at what my uncle used to call the "pretty parlor."

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Winter Tomatoes, 8x10

I'm pretty excited today. I donated a painting to "Hearts for Haiti" and it sold the next day. Proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders, a wonderful cause. The painting was "Frangipani". There are some really cute and inexpensive items on the site; check it out.

The Sinistra series work I'm featuring today features Hap's tomatoes, which are delicious in spite of our winter weather, though they are small, and the little green ones fell off prematurely. He even made us some fried green tomatoes. Yum!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

In the Pink

Got the pins out of my wrist today and have graduated to a hard cast. I am so happy that it is smaller, and my elbow is free. Therapy will start soon. Next week the Pieces of 8 will turn my cast into a work of art and I will feel perfectly accessorized. Life is good.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Turkey Creek, 5x7

I am really slow getting these lefthanded paintings done and posted. I'm trying to stick to small and simple like this one, another in my Sinistra series.

Tomorrow I get the pins out of my arm and a new cast. My painting group, the Pieces of 8, are going to decorate it, which will be very creative, for sure. You should see the beautiful job they did on the aprons our member Jini gave us for Christmas.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Garden Path, 8x10

My heart is breaking for the people of Haiti. The outpouring of concern and help is wonderful, except for Pat Robertson, who says they deserve it. His brand of Christianity sure differs from mine. Small children injured and homeless are just fine with him, I guess, as he sits in his sturdy, comfy home. I suppose the thousands of real Christian missionaries in Haiti who were killed or injured deserve it too, for helping such undeserving people.

On the lighter side, I reached down to pull the hose out of the pool and had to do the Teaberry Shuffle to keep from falling in. I didn't realize how off-balance I am. It didn't surprise Hap in the least, of course. Hope you like this tropical scene, the latest in my Sinistra series.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I'm Left, You're Right

This title is a nod to Elvis's birthday last week (from his very old song, I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone), and also illustrates my current condition. The curved shape is my broken wrist (dubbed Lafayette); the little things sticking up are pins in my wrist. Below that is my left arm, holding a paintbrush. The bright white light is the light at the end of the tunnel. Deep, huh?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Monday I painted with the Pieces of 8 and did this little painting. Since I can’t drive, Hap picked me up and we drove to the frame shop. We had picked some molding and were chatting with the owner when I finally noticed that Hap had shaved his beard! It took me 30 minutes to notice. Has my infirmity made me that self-involved? Our lives have been revolving around The Wrist; prop up The Wrist; doctor appointment for The Wrist; don’t get The Wrist wet…I should give the thing a name. I just read a book about Lafayette, hero of both the American and French revolutions; perhaps I shall call The Wrist “Lafayette.” “Put Lafayette in a sling…Lafayette is hurting me…let Lafayette rest on the pillow.” I like it.