Monday, July 25, 2016

Mermaid, 11x17 Black and White Drawing on Navigational Chart

I was inspired by artist Jean Thomas for this one, after seeing her drawing of a face in a navigational chart. She gave me a chart and I put it far from me and looked at it until I saw a mermaid. Most of the drawing followed the lines of the map, but I added some flourishes for the tail. Very therapeutic and fun. I think maps of all kinds are just naturally beautiful.



  1. Years ago, I used to see paintings on nautical maps. I wanted to give it a try, but never got around to it. Will you do more of these?

  2. Hi Carmen, that is so cool! It's sort of like a wood carver having the piece of wood reveal what it should be carved into. I think it is awesome......... I hope you do more.
