I painted this in solidarity with our family members up north freezing in the horrid weather. Even the south has been slammed, but we Floridians can't complain. It gets a bit nippy, but I know when I'm well off; no complaints here.
I tried to be loose with this one. I was reminded in the Robert and Sara Genn Newsletter this morning of a quote by Richard Schmid:
"It often takes two to do a good painting - one to paint it, and another to rap the painter smartly with a hammer before he or she can ruin it."
I will get cataract surgery this week. I just hope clarity of sight does not tempt me to niggle my paintings to death. So many times I have said, "This looks good!" then went past that point. The hammer, please?
That's what we look like here. Hopefully sometime in a week or so we'll begin to thaw out. I tell a joke similar to the one Richard Schmid tells to my painting classes.