This one is 20 x 24 and it made my brain hurt. It's very complex and easy to lose my place. I love the subject, though. Mangroves are an integral part of the ecosystem here, and they are anchors of the shoreline as well as host to all manner of living things.
Yesterday my Peeps and I (ladies of the Pieces of 8) installed an exhibit of our paintings at the Melbourne Airport. The exhibit is enhanced by the sculpture of Joe Thompson, who makes art from skate wheels, forks, pliers and other found objects.
Mother's Day was lots of fun, and involved a nice surprise from my daughters: two giant blue planters. We all have that "Gotta Garden" thing we inherited from my grandmother, and I can't wait to get started planting those big pots with gorgeous flowers.
Can't even imagine tackling the complexities of this. Beautiful work! the egret is so delicate and the reflections are brilliant. Congratulations on your group show.