Thursday, January 13, 2011

Church at Auvers-sur-Oise, after Van Gogh

Yes, this is a copy. I painted it while studying the Impressionists. I have been sick all week and haven't painted, so I decided to post this one. It has been exhibited a lot, with my painting group's "Friends and Faux" exhibit, and in a mobile tour of schools in Volusia County called, coincidentally, the VanGo Exhibit. check out the tribute to Vincent on YouTube. It gets me every time. What a sad life. He never sold a single painting, yet he never stopped painting in his own unique way.


  1. Really great job! It's fun and good practice to copy the masters. Your choice of artist is one of my favorites. Your painting is lovely!!

  2. Carmen, this painting has such expression, movement and energy! Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists too.

  3. What a such pleasure to find lover of Van Gogh's artwork ! Beautiful tribute to him!
    Hope to see you to Auvers-sur-Oise ;-)

    The Tourist office of Auvers

  4. Great job. It must have been a fun one to paint.
